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Session ideas for DVB World 2025
Please add new proposals at the end of the page; start by copying the “Example session” below and paste it at the end of the page, replacing its name with the name of your session. Then add your session details as indicated.
NOTE: adding an idea on this page does NOT automatically place it on the unconference agenda. All sessions will need to be pitched during the opening circle in Munich on 19 March, and then they can be added to the agenda.
Unconference advice
Keep these four basic guidelines (more detail here) in mind in planning and hosting your session:
- Think about the outcome you’d like to achieve with the session;
- Decide on a good way to structure the conversation to reach that outcome, ideally keeping it quite focused;
- Try to hear from everybody who attends your session at least once;
- Take notes openly on a flipchart or whiteboard - this will help for filing your report too.
Sessions that tend to work best are those that share experiences, generate ideas, provide an opportunity to pose questions, and gauge interest on a given topic.
Participants react negatively to sessions that consist mainly of PowerPoint presentations and/or are seen as a sales pitch for a given product or service.
Session ideas
Example session title
- Your name and company
- Summary of topic: (A sentence or two describing the session)
- Session goals: (Describe what you hope to achieve from this session)